Grit is the relentless determination and perseverance to pursue long-term goals, even in the face of adversity. It’s about showing up, pushing through difficulties, and not giving up despite the challenges. In the realm of eating disorder recovery, grit plays a pivotal role. It’s steadfast resolve that fuels the journey, even when the path is fraught with obstacles.

However, grit alone isn’t enough. It must be balanced with grace – the kindness and compassion we extend to ourselves and others. Grace allows us to navigate recovery with understanding and empathy, acknowledging that while the journey is tough, it’s also marked by moments of vulnerability and the need for self-care.

Developing grit involves recognizing your inner strength and resilience. It’s about remembering past challenges you’ve overcome and understanding that you possess the fortitude to face current struggles. If you’re doubting your grit, reflect on times when you’ve shown resilience, perhaps drawing inspiration from other people whom you respect who demonstrated unwavering strength in the face of hardship.

In my own journey, I learned the essence of grit and grace from my mother. Despite the adversities of single parenthood and overcoming abusive relationships, she embodied the essence of perseverance and compassion. Her example during some of my darkest and most challenging days, including my recovery from my eating disorder, reminded me that I, too, possessed the inherent strength to persevere.

Grit and grace are complementary forces. Grit drives you forward, providing the tenacity to confront and overcome challenges. Meanwhile, grace offers a gentle reminder that it’s okay to acknowledge fear and embrace self-compassion. It’s about understanding that while the journey is uniquely yours, it is also shared with others who can offer support and understanding.

Recovering from an eating disorder is a testament to human resilience. It’s a path marked by both tenacity and tenderness, requiring an unwavering commitment to oneself and the journey ahead. This blog post isn’t just words on a page; it is a call to embrace your inherent strength and kindness. It’s an invitation to walk the path of recovery with both grit and grace, recognizing that these qualities are not only tools but also companions on a journey toward healing and self-discovery.

As you navigate your path in life, remember that these qualities are within you, ready to be harnessed and embraced. Using grit and grace as your ally, the journey of recovery, while challenging, is imbued with the potential for profound personal growth and transformation.

If you or someone you know could benefit from the support of a CCI-certified eating disorder recovery coach, please contact us.


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Eating Disorder Recovery: Grit and Grace

March 5, 2024

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